Stuart Council |
Stuart Council |
The Stuart City Council met on April 10 where they heard a presentation from Mayor Dick Cook on a proposed nuisance violation and code enforcement contract, and the potential firing of a city employee.
Cook told the council that there were minimal issues before 2009, but from 2009 to 2015 the number grow significantly. In November 2015 the city of Stuart hired someone to oversee the department to issue citations and notices to property owners. The city has since been able to get rid of blighted homes through demolition and cleanup. This includes asbestos mitigation. However, a member resigned in 2020 because he felt the council was too involved, and the city then hired another manager in 2021. Since, the city has received complaints about people receiving undeserved citations, and Mayor Cook expressed his unhappiness with the work of Code Enforcement Manager Max Ryan and recommended his dismissal. The council, however, felt that work could be done to alleviate the issue.
“So basically, Max, I would hate to be in your shoes,” said Councilman Cory Kirkpatrick. “That’s a tough job. I think that from my own opinion, I think the expectations out of you is unknown. We got to be consistent with what we're doing. So, I think maybe you have a meeting with the mayor, your expectations, then you start. Because it's I mean, it's such a huge gray area on what you're supposed to be doing. I just think that you guys probably have - I don't mind if the mayor's involved in that but come in and have a meeting. Set your expectations. Please provide photos. I think we're good.”
Mayor Cook had said he wished for the structure to change to having three city employees manage the code enforcement department at no additional cost to the city. Administrative Assistant Nadine Avey, Jim Henderson of the fire department and City Manager Matt Funk would handle the nuisance violation in this scenario.
The council spoke to Ryan asking about his perception of what had happened. The council members discussed the issue and felt there was some miscommunication about the procedure and responsibilities. The council members debated this but, in the end, decided to have a discussion with Ryan about expectations and not make changes in employment. This would involve the city attorney and mayor to ensure guidelines and requirements for nuisance notices would be met moving forward.