Adair 4-H Club
Recent News About Adair 4-H Club
ADAIR 4-H CLUB: Clover Kids Workshop to be Held January 9
During the workshop, Clover Kids will have the opportunity to create a STEM project, do a fun activity, and interact with other youth.
ADAIR 4-H CLUB: Youth Council to be Held January 3
The Adair County 4-H Youth Council meets once a month to discuss 4-H promotion, community service, and other Youth Council events.
ADAIR 4-H CLUB: Adair County Extension Council Meeting to be Held December 28
Adair County Extension Council Meeting
ADAIR 4-H CLUB: Ornamental and Turf Applicators to be Held November 4
Ornamental and Turf Applicators
ADAIR 4-H CLUB: Trunk or Treat at Pinnacle University BJJ
Adair Co Extension Council Meeting
ADAIR 4-H CLUB: Roadside, Forest, and Aquatic Pest Management
Roadside, Forest, and Aquatic Pest Management
ADAIR 4-H CLUB: Fresh Conversations to be Held August 17
Fresh Conversations
ADAIR 4-H CLUB: Farmland Leasing Meeting to be Held July 30
Farmland Leasing Meeting
ADAIR 4-H CLUB: Fresh Conversations to be Held June 15
Program Title: Fresh Conversations